2024 Handlebars & Hops - Day of Ride Plan
Here is the plan for Saturday, May 18th.
Meet at the Lindsay Park Yacht Club between 9:30AM - 10AM. If you haven't already, pick up your BAGBRAD shirt orders in the parking lot. We'll get a group photo and start pedaling to Chuck's Tap.
Chucks-Fricks-Kilkenny's-Devons-Dam View-Rubys-D'Lua (great group photo opp on their patio)-East Village-Rudy's Tacos
Remember to bring helmets, sunscreen, water bottles, Tylenol, etc. -- And bring your camera, take and share your pics and videos for the website!!!
Looking forward to another great day with family and friends!
#Hops&Handlebars #BAGBRAD #10YrAnniversary